Monday, May 16, 2011


4. While "Bukeye" is not a confessional essay, it is quite personal. Reflect on how comfortable you are writing, as sanders did, 
When i am writing, the easiest topics are the ones where im talking about my life. i feel like the experiences i've had are what made me the person i am today. i have no problem sharing them because once i reveal some of my background, people seem to understand and appreciate me more. Although, i am not one to express how i feel verbally, writing has always been one of my strengths. i used to keep a journal and write about my day and how i felt about things. it was a great stress reliever. especially for someone that had to go through alot and didnt want to be judged. thats the thing with writing about my life. no one can tell me what was right or wrong and how i should feel. its my life and my decisions. some of the best papers i've ever written for school were personal ones. the words are so real and authentic.   

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