Thursday, May 19, 2011

this is one of those social issues that trigger strong feeling which, at times can cloud reasoning. reflect on your own response to issues like this. when you have an emotional response to a public argument how do you get past it.

when im faced with situations where there is no right or wrong answer because everyone has their own feelings and opinions i try to understand both views. first i find my own standing, how i feel about the situation and then i look at it from other perspectives. like abortion for example. i am against it. if someone were to ask me what they should do my response is, deal with your responsibilities. but on the other hand, people are entitled to do what they want with their own bodies. its their life and as long as they are not harming another person its legal. i do not try to change a persons point of view i just try to get them to understand my way as i did with theirs.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate that you are trying to be a fair-minded thinker here. I think one of the reasons women should not be forbidden from abortion wservices is precisley because they hava problems handling responsibility. If you are irresponsible enough to get stuck with ah unwanted pregnancy in a world literallly drenched with pills, creams, shots, and condoms geared toward preventing pregnancy, then you are certainly too irresponsible to properly raise a healthy child. At which point the child becomes the responsibility of welfare agencies or the state's foster care system. If a woman wants to go ahed and work to beat the odds with her children, I am solidly in support of her. But women who know they are not cut out to be good mothers shouldn't be forced to go through with it. . But like you said earlier, it's better to help people understand your point of view rather than try to change theirs.
