Thursday, May 19, 2011


in life there is only one thing thats promised and that's death. so why, if we know thats one its its bound to come, why when it comes around it hurts like hell? im not a major religious person but i do have good faith. i've encountered my share of deaths but its a totally different feeling when its people close to you. one week after the start of this semester i lost my twin sister. it was extremely hard but i was able to deal with it because unfortunately we weren't very close. actually not close at all, but after her death i learned that she requested that i take care of her son. that was the least i can do. so i now have to provide for not only myself but a 7yr old boy. difficult but i did it my best seeing that i now have 2 jobs and attending school full time. then on may 6th my mother was taken away from me. it hurt. she was my best friend my everything. the worst feeling ever but she always told me to have faith no matter what because thats where my strength comes from. so i

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